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Author Archives: Tax Partners

Cottages & Capital Gains

Cottages & Capital Gains

Nothing says escape like going to your cottage on the water with your family for a few weeks. Now that your children are all grown up and going to the cottage seems more of a burden than a relaxing experience, you’ve decided to sell it. You may think that any capital gains on your property […]

Clearance Certificates & Taxes

Clearance Certificates & Taxes

A Clearance Certificate is issued by the CRA when all the deceased tax obligations have been met and there is no amount owing to the government. This includes federal and provincial taxes and interest and penalties. The main purpose of a clearance certificate is to show that the deceased no longer owes any monies to […]

Business Tax Audit

Tax Auditing – Business

For a business to fulfill its tax obligation, Business Tax Audits are a key way the CRA can do so. Whether it’s Payroll, Income Tax, Benefits, HST/HST or Remittances. During a business tax audit, it allows the CRA to examine the books, records, financials and other documentation that is relevant to the business. The CRA […]


Allowable Business Investment Loss (ABIL)

An ABIL is a capital loss with one special tax treatment. It is 50% of business investment loss. An ABIL is deductible at all sources of income and if they are unused during a tax year than it can be carried forward 10 years and back 3 years. All ABIL that are not used within […]


Underused Housing Tax & Traps That Could Result In Huge Penalties

If you own residential property, you should be aware of the newly proposed Underused Housing Tax (“UHT“) set to take effect on January 1, 2022. The UHT is a national, annual 1% tax on the value of non-resident, non-Canadian-owned residential real estate that is vacant or underused. The legislation received royal assent on June 9, 2022 and […]

Canadian Accounting Firms

Zero Rated And Exempt Supplies For GST/HST

Current GST/HST procedures are difficult to understand and impose significant reporting and remittance obligations on sole proprietors, small and medium-sized businesses, and large corporations alike. In order to thrive under the GST/HST system, companies must understand their tax classification under the Excise Tax Act. There are three main classifications of supplies in the Excise Tax […]

Cryptocurrency Transactions

Taxpayers’ Ombudsman And The Taxpayer Bill Of Rights

In Canada, taxpayers have legal rights listed in the Canadian Revenue Agency Taxpayer Bill of Rights. The Ombudsman was established to help enforce the Taxpayer Bill of Rights and is independent of the CRA. So, what exactly does the Canadian Tax Ombudsman do? Well, they don’t deal with tax policy or program legislation complaints and […]


Taxation And Business Start-up In Canada

Most entrepreneurs don’t have an in-depth understanding of tax laws when setting up a business. So, they will likely hire an accountant to ensure everything is set up correctly from the beginning. 82.75% of our clients are small business corporations and we have the tools to help you! Taxation of Various Business Structures It’s good […]


Tax Implications Of Flipping A House Or Condo

The Canada Revenue Agency, or CRA, is clamping down on real estate transactions more than it used to. They claim that tax non-compliance is one reason behind ever-increasing housing prices. In particular, the CRA is interesting in taking a closer look at home and condo flipping, and they have been running an audit on home […]