Business Solutions

Bring your business to a new level of growth by teaming up with our innovative leadership team. Let us ask you this…

What are your business objectives? What are your “pain points”?

Is succession in the immediate future?

Are you hoping to expand? What are your issues and obstacles?

Would you like some help addressing them?

Any business, whether it’s a start-up or a long-established company, will have a list of targets that need to be satisfied and problems that need to be addressed. Tax Partners can help you do just that. With strategic, financial, performance, and organizational guidance truly customized to your business, we can provide as much or as little support as you wish.

For some clients, it’s simply a matter of offering guidance to sort out some annoying problems. For others, we play a far more interactive role in helping them incorporate their strategy.

Initially, we implement a review to determine areas for improvement. These can include areas such as planning and budgeting, capital structure, costing and pricing policy, marketing, debt collection, financial recording and reporting systems, and staffing requirements.

Then, employing a proprietary diagnostic tool, we analyze the benefits of revenue building strategies, productivity, customer service and systems implementation programs. With this data in hand, we benchmark your current levels of performance and provide suggestions for improvement.


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Bring your business to a new level of growth by teaming up with our innovative leadership team. Let us ask you this…

What are your business objectives? What are your “pain points”?

Is succession in the immediate future?

Are you hoping to expand? What are your issues and obstacles?

Would you like some help addressing them?

Any business, whether it’s a start-up or a long-established company, will have a list of targets that need to be satisfied and problems that need to be addressed. Tax Partners can help you do just that. With strategic, financial, performance, and organizational guidance truly customized to your business, we can provide as much or as little support as you wish.

For some clients, it’s simply a matter of offering guidance to sort out some annoying problems. For others, we play a far more interactive role in helping them incorporate their strategy.

Initially, we implement a review to determine areas for improvement. These can include areas such as planning and budgeting, capital structure, costing and pricing policy, marketing, debt collection, financial recording and reporting systems, and staffing requirements.

Then, employing a proprietary diagnostic tool, we analyze the benefits of revenue building strategies, productivity, customer service and systems implementation programs. With this data in hand, we benchmark your current levels of performance and provide suggestions for improvement.

Any successful business begins with a well-developed business strategy and a knowledgeable accounting firm behind you. Anything less can put you at risk for loss or even liquidation.

Tax Partners team of accountants are at your side from the initial planning phase through funding and implementation, and throughout the life of your business.

Our Business Startup consulting services include:

  • Business coaching
  • Business plan development
  • Due diligence
  • Financial projections and forecasting
  • Financing
  • Valuation services
  • Organizational structuring and planning
  • Strategic planning
  • Systems selection
  • Tax planning


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As your business advisers, we can help with many areas of your business..

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Tax Partners’ business valuation team has the training and experience necessary to assess the value of virtually any business. Our team works with you to understand and quantify the specific business issues that affect the value conclusion.

Calculation, Estimate, and Comprehensive Valuation Report options provide three different levels of assurance, each fulfilling different reporting requirements at varied costs. We will work with you to ensure the report is appropriate for your budget and requirements.

Valuation reports may be prepared for the following purposes:

  • Litigation or negotiation
  • Estate and tax planning
  • Business transition planning
  • Business investments, acquisitions, divestitures
  • Shareholder agreements & disputes
  • Matrimonial disputes
  • Internal use
  • Valuing intangible assets

Tax Partners’ business valuation team of professionals are also knowledgeable and experienced in providing services beyond traditional business valuation, including:

  • Adjusted Income Reports – The Federal Child Support Guidelines set out the adjustments to be considered in determining a payor spouse’s income for child support purposes. Our professionals prepare “Adjusted Income Reports” for this purpose and provide litigation support in the event that the parties are unable to reach an agreement on child and spousal support issues.
  • Collaborative Dispute Settlements – If you choose to take a collaborative approach to resolving your differences, our team members are trained in collaborative practices. Services that we can provide in this area include, asset division, disposition cost reports, industry based research, mediation services, and the calculation of adjusted income.
  • Due Diligence – If you are considering the purchase of a business you may need assistance with determining the quality and sustainability of the earnings stream you are acquiring. Alternatively, if you are considering the sale of your business you may want to ensure that the business is “ready for sale” in order to give you the best chance to maximize the proceeds you receive. Our professionals can work with you to ensure that you don’t pay too much, or sell for too little.
  • Forensic Accounting – If you are in need of investigating an alleged fraud case or a financial disruption, you will require someone qualified in forensic accounting to quantify the loss.

Mediation Services – When you find yourself in a financial dispute, having a professional qualified in mediation services can help you navigate through a difficult situation.


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As your business advisers, we can help with many areas of your business..

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Buy-side services:

We manage the entire buy process of transactions to ensure your goals are achieved.

Our buy-side services include:

  • Identifying potential targets to purchase.
  • Performing thorough due diligence to minimize risks to acceptable levels.
  • Analyzing and quantifying any potential synergies of the identified targets.
  • Negotiating and structuring the entire mergers and acquisitions process to close a deal.

Sell-side services:

We manage the entire sale process of a business to ensure the final transaction is beneficial to our clients.

Our sell-side services include:

  • Developing a strategic plan for the sale, including clarification of goals.
  • Valuing the business and other interests for the sale.
  • Developing a marketing strategy.
  • Searching for potential buyers/acquirers.
  • Preparing the Offering Memorandums and other confidential documents.
  • Assisting in the due diligence process.
  • Negotiating and structuring the sale agreement and closing the deal.

Due diligence services:

Due diligence is a critical step in any acquisition process, as it mitigates risk and increases confidence that the transaction is based on sound and robust financial analysis.

Our due diligence professionals serve various clients across various industries through the M&A process. We leverage on our tax practice professionals to provide additional support for the due diligence process to ensure our approach is robust in identifying and mitigating financial risks.

Our Firm uses a systematic approach to ensure the process is timely and accurate, and also to ensure the highest level of quality in our due diligence procedures.

Our due diligence services:

  • Evaluating the overall risk profile of the company based on our clients transaction goals.
  • Providing a detailed and systematic analysis of the target company’s historical financial data.
  • Identifying and assessing the risks associated with the assets, liabilities, financial position, cash flows and margin returns of the target company.
  • Assessing the operational components of the target company, including current management structure and resource allocation.
  • Reviewing and analyzing the quality and sustainability of earnings, as well as forecasts and cash flow projections.
  • Analyzing the sustainability of historical and forecasted profits and margins.

Our due diligence approach is designed to identify and mitigate risks of a potential acquisition transaction, and to ensure that the client is paying a fair price for the target company.


The partners have a long and varied pedigree that gives us a perspective..

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Tax Partners team of professionals provides consulting services and complete business valuations. This service is a critical component of many transactions, including:

  • Purchase, sale or reorganization of a business
  • Shareholder and partnership agreements
  • Matrimonial settlements
  • Estate proceedings

Tax Partners takes pride in providing accurate and objective valuations.


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All businesses have a starting point, and that starting point is the business plan. By pulling together all the elements needed to determine the financial viability of your business proposal, Wilkinson can help you realize your ultimate goals.

Our business planning services include:

  • Business plans, development and presentation
  • Business restructuring and debt reorganization
  • Acquisitions and financing
  • Wealth building and restructuring
  • Tax implications of proposed business structures
  • Corporate reorganizations
  • Sale of business

Mergers and acquisitions


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What would happen to your business if a partner died or became disabled? What if there’s a nasty dispute and a shareholder wants to leave the company? Or what if a partner divorces or goes into debt?

While you might not think they could happen to your business, “what if” scenarios like these happen all the time. This is one reason why businesses need well-crafted shareholder agreements to dictate next steps if one of these triggering events occurs. Without a strong shareholder agreement, the company may have to rely on the Business Corporations Act to determine what happens next. This process is often long, painful and costly — and the outcome may not be to the shareholders’ liking.

Following are a few common questions and answers regarding shareholder agreements: 

When do you need a shareholder agreement?

Tax Partners trusted advisor will tell you that a shareholder agreement is essential for all companies with more than one shareholder. It is among the first documents you should discuss with your partners, lawyer and your accountant.

The shareholder agreement should be discussed in calm times, long before a triggering event occurs. Shareholders should take time to discuss a plan of action, create a funding mechanism, agree on terms and work out all the details while the partnership relationship is in good working order.

How does a shareholder agreement work?

A shareholder agreement defines possible triggering events — e.g., death, disability, divorce, dispute and debt — and their consequences.

Death or disability: In the case of a shareholder death or disability, the agreement would dictate what would happen to his or her shares. Will the shares be passed on to survivors, or will there be a buyout by the other shareholders? If the latter, how will they pay for the stock? 

Divorce: Shareholders usually don’t want to be active partners with another shareholder’s ex-spouse. Therefore, the shareholder agreement should dictate how the business interest would be transferred to avoid that situation. 

Dispute: If the shareholders are in a dispute, the agreement defines how the relationship will end. Sometimes, a shotgun or auction exit clause is included to decide the price.  

Debt: If a shareholder is beset by overwhelming personal debt, a shareholder agreement can restrict the use of shares as payment for the debt and dictate that the other shareholders have rights of first refusal to purchase the shares. This keeps the bankrupt shareholder’s shares out of the hands of his or her creditors.

How do you decide on value?

The shareholder agreement should define a valuation process for each triggering event. For example, in the case of a shareholder’s death, the agreement could dictate an agreed-upon price, or it could detail how an independent valuation professional should be selected. Funding mechanisms such as life insurance should also be included in the agreement.

What are the tax consequences?

If the triggering event is also a taxable event, the shareholder agreement should provide guidance about how to handle the tax consequences. The tax consequences are different depending on whether the life insurance proceeds are used by the company or by the survivor to purchase the shares.

In the case of disability, share sales or redemptions are both taxable events. In divorce, shareholders may benefit from spousal rollover provisions — the agreement should allow flexible transfers to accommodate the associated taxes.

Like other legal agreements, shareholder agreements are only useful if they are current and up to date. Review your shareholder agreement at least once a year to be sure it still meets your needs.

For more information about shareholder agreements or if you would like us to assist you, please contact one of our trusted advisors.


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At Tax Partners, we firmly believe that as your financing intermediaries — having initiated, consulted on, negotiated, structured and presided over billions of dollars’ worth of corporate buy- and sell-side transactions, acquisitions and divestitures, takeovers and management buyouts — our goal, always, is to help you take your business dealings further, faster, whatever stage you’re at in the transaction life cycle.

Serving boards, management teams, buyers and lenders, entrepreneurs, owner-managers and shareholders of both established and emerging mid-market public and private companies across most every major industry sector, we define goals, create a plan, evaluate targets, perform transaction modelling, conduct pre-sale due diligence, identify buyers, prepare confidential information memoranda, coordinate closings and more.


The partners have a long and varied pedigree that gives us a perspective..

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As your business advisers, we can help with many areas of your business..

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At Tax Partners, we firmly believe that as your financing intermediaries — having initiated, consulted on, negotiated, structured and presided over billions of dollars’ worth of corporate buy- and sell-side transactions, acquisitions and divestitures, takeovers and management buyouts — our goal, always, is to help you take your business dealings further, faster, whatever stage you’re at in the transaction life cycle.

Serving boards, management teams, buyers and lenders, entrepreneurs, owner-managers and shareholders of both established and emerging mid-market public and private companies across most every major industry sector, we define goals, create a plan, evaluate targets, perform transaction modelling, conduct pre-sale due diligence, identify buyers, prepare confidential information memoranda, coordinate closings and more.


The partners have a long and varied pedigree that gives us a perspective..

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As your business advisers, we can help with many areas of your business..

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